Maple Pancake Marshmallow KeBobs

Maple Pancake Marshmallow KeBobs XO Marshmallow Blog Post

Pancakes are by far the superior breakfast food. They’re fluffy, round, and they are so popular that almost every culture in the world has a version. Let’s just call them, beloved. And with anything that is universally admired that much, we had to make a marshmallow out of it! 

Our Maple Pancake marshmallows are warm and toasty with syrupy (that’s a word, right?) undertones. It was a race to the kitchen to see how they stacked up against a big pile of actual pancakes and frankly, we loved the combo. So stack we did. 

Maple Pancake Marshmallow KeBobs XO Marshmallow Blog Post

A cute addition for brunch, a bridal or baby shower, or as a fun take on weekday meal prep, these marshmallow pancake treats are incredibly versatile. 

We took those cute frozen mini pancakes and warmed them up, skewering them with fresh fruit, some marshmallows, and a drizzle of syrup. Assembling the kebobs is just as easy as snacking on them! 

Maple Pancake Marshmallow KeBobs XO Marshmallow Blog Post


You will need: 

  • 1-2 boxes of Maple Pancake Marshmallows
  • 4-5 dozen mini pancakes (either homemade or frozen) and toasted
  • 1 kiwi, cut into slices
  • 1 handful of fresh raspberries
  • 1 handful of blackberries
  • 1 handful of strawberries, cut into wedges
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup, for drizzling
  • 12-24 wood skewers

To assemble: 

  1. Toast those mini pancakes! Follow the box instructions, or make them from scratch and collect a nice pile. 
  2. Alternating ingredients, skewer a mini pancake, fruit, a marshmallow, etc. Have fun here but we recommend including 2-3 pancakes per skewer, and 1-2 marshmallows
  3. Using a handheld kitchen torch, lightly toast a few marshmallows for extra effect. 
  4. Drizzle with maple syrup, or serve syrup on the side for dipping. 

Maple Pancake Marshmallow KeBobs XO Marshmallow Blog Post

Ready in minutes, Marshmallow Kebobs can be made just before serving. Toast the marshmallows for an extra gooey flair, and don’t forget the syrup! We recommend going with a Grade A or Grade B maple syrup, which balances out the sweetness of the mallows and the fruit, but go with what your heart desires – honey, molasses, chocolate also make great drizzles. 

These kabobs will also keep fresh for a few days! Simply keep covered in a container in the fridge and let come to room temperature before serving. 

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